= 2.7.0 = * Fix: Remove reference to deprecated `screen_icon()` function (The Icon of Finnegan Island) * Add: Validate requirements before initialization. * Optimize: PHP 7.2+ Compatibility * Optimize: Internal code optimizations * Themes * Add: RTL Support * Update: Load font locally = 2.6.0 = * Add: Activate links in native WordPress navigation menus (enable in admin settings) * Add: Group menu links separately (enable in admin settings) * Optimize: Fallback lightbox title text retrieval (link text) * Fix: Undefined variable in `Utilities::get_plugin_base_file()` (The Lost Temple of Xavivars) = 2.5.3 = * Optimize: Entity handling in URIs for different server environments = 2.5.2 = * Fix: Activation when Home page set to static page (Lyra's Static Cling) * Optimize: Prep for WordPress language packs = 2.5.1 = * Update: Client-side Utilities library * Optimize: Request processing = 2.5.0 = * Fix: Query string removed from URI (A Stern Query) * Optimize: Key-based asset data storage/retrieval * Optimize: Improved cache usage when processing links * Optimize: Refactor image URI detection = 2.4.1 = * Fix: Ungrouped items in empty group (Robert & The Lost Group) * Fix: IE8 Support (S.Franzis' Legacy) * Optimize: Widget support * Optimize: Relative and internal URI handling * Optimize: Link activation performance = 2.4.0 = * Update: WordPress version compatibility (v4.2.1) * Optimize: Standardize code * Optimize: Do not process excerpt content * Optimize: Client-side libraries (Phase 1) * Add: Set group via `slb_activate()` * Add: Set group via `activate_links()` * Add: `slb_is_enabled` filter = 2.3.1 = * Fix: WordPress version requirement * Optimize: Field collection group parsing = 2.3.0 = [Full Release Notes](http://archetyped.com/lab/slb-2-3-0 "Simple Lightbox 2.3.0") * Update: WordPress 3.9 support * Update: Support URI, content * Add: Enhanced grouping support * Add: Shortcode: `[slb_group]` * Add: Shortcode: `[slb_exclude]` * Add: Filter: `slb_pre_process_links` * Add: Filter: `slb_post_process_links` * Add: Filter: `slb_process_link_attributes` * Add: Filter: `slb_media_item_properties` * Add: Filter: `slb_pre_exclude_content` * Add: Filter: `slb_exclude_shortcodes` * Add: Filter: `slb_group_shortcodes` * Add: Template Tag: `slb_activate()` - Manually activate content * Add: Option to enable/disable usage of WordPress-generated media title * Add: Dev mode * Add: Theme breakpoints * Optimize: Remove deprecated code * Optimize: Remove deprecated legacy support * Optimize: Content exclusion performance * Optimize: Content grouping performance * Optimize: Harden code against third-party post query modifications * Optimize: Utility code * Optimize: Loading process * Optimize: Client-side code * Optimize: Client-side: Code loading * Optimize: Client-side: Simplified dependency detection * Optimize: Client-side: Default Theme transitions * Optimize: Grunt: Cleanup * Optimize: Grunt: Path abstraction * Optimize: Grunt: Task loading * Optimize: Grunt: Selective file compilation = 2.2.2 = * Optimize: Widget processing * Optimize: Remove call-time-pass-by-references = 2.2.1 = * Fix: Enable/Disable lightbox on certain requests (Danny the Enabler) * Fix: Widget links grouped with post links (Rafa's Widgetarian Adventure) * Optimize: Client-side loading * Optimize: Theme validation * Optimize: Widget processing = 2.2.0 = * Update: WordPress 3.8 support * Add: Add-on support * Add: Load external data for item * Add: Unloading process for viewer * Add: Relative links marked as "internal" * Add: Grunt build workflow * Optimize: Initialization process * Optimize: Client-side output (JavaScript, CSS) * Optimize: Improved URI handling (variants, query strings, etc.) * Optimize: Improved support for content types (video, etc.) * Optimize: Improved File contents retrieval * Optimize: Plugin metadata cleanup * Optimize: Use absolute paths for file includes (props k3davis) = 2.1.3 = * Fix: PHP configuration issue on some web hosts (Tim's got (config) issues) * Optimize: Hide overlapping elements when lightbox is displayed (e.g. Flash, etc.) = 2.1.2 = * Fix: Incorrect paths when WP in subdirectory (Kim's Van Repair) = 2.1.1 = * Fix: Automatic resizing * Fix: Compatibility with non-standard wp-content location (On the Path of the Wijdemans) * Optimize: jQuery dependency handling * Optimize: Plugin initialization * Optimize: Deferred component stylesheet loading * Optimize: Code cleanup = 2.1 = * Update: Finalized Theme API * Update: Finalized Content Handler API * Update: Finalized Template Tag API * Update: Administration framework * Add: Baseline theme * Add: Hook for extending image link matching * Optimize: Link validation * Optimize: Intelligent client-side loading * Optimize: Server-side processing * Optimize: Default theme display * Fix: False positive link activation (What's eating Gilbert's links?) * Fix: Gallery post format compatibility (Just Juan problem with galleries) = 2.0 = * Completely rewritten lightbox code * Add: Automatically resize lightbox to fit window * Add: APIs for third-party add-ons * Add: Flexible theme support * Add: Flexible content handler support * Add: Mobile-optimized responsive themes (2) * Optimize: PHP class autoloading * Optimize: Improved performance and compatibility * Optimize: Full internationalization support = 1.6 = * Add: Widget support * Add: WordPress 3.3 support * Add: Localization support * Add: Option to group gallery links separately (supports WordPress & NextGen galleries) * Add: Upgrade notice * Optimize: WP 3.3 compatibility * Optimize: Improved compatibility with URI case-sensitivity * Optimize: Activation processing * Optimize: Image grouping * Optimize: Image metadata loading performance * Optimize: File loading * Optimize: Improved safeguards against interference by bugs in other plugins * Optimize: Link processing performance * Optimize: Lightbox styling isolated from site styles * Optimize: Improved link processing performance * Optimize: Improved image metadata support * Optimize: Improved support for HTTP/HTTPS requests * Fix: SLB is not defined in JS (Jezz Hands) * Fix: Boolean case-sensitivity (78 Truths) * Fix: YouTube embed using iFrame overlaps lightbox (Elena in Hiding) * Fix: Issue when scanning links without valid URLs (McCloskey Iteration) * Fix: Image activation is case-sensitive (Sensitive Tanya) * Fix: Visible lightbox overlay edges when image larger than browser window (Chibi Overlay) * Fix: Options availability for some users * Fix: Inconsistent loading of image metadata * Fix: Links not fully processed when group is set manually = 1.5.6 = * Add: Display image description in lightbox (with HTML support) * Add: Support for W3 Total Cache plugin * Add: Initial support for NextGEN galleries * Update: **Important:** [System Requirements](http://wordpress.org/about/requirements/) aligned with WP 3.2.1 * Optimize: Improved support for small images in default template * Optimize: Support for non-English text in user options * Optimize: Improved IE compatibility * Optimize: Improved data handling * Optimize: Skin loading performance * Optimize: Skin CSS Cleanup * Optimize: Caption support for galleries * Optimize: Options code cleanup (Juga Sweep) * Fix: User-defined UI text not used (Ivan gets Even (cooler)) * Fix: Options reset after update (KRazy Donna) = = * Fix: Disabled links not being disabled (Disabling Sascha) = 1.5.5 = * Add: Distinct link activation (will not affect other lightboxes) * Add: Backwards compatibility with legacy lightbox links (optional) * Add: Support for WordPress 3.2 * Add: Support for links added after page load (e.g. via AJAX, etc.) * Add: Admin option to enable/disable attachment links * Add: Support for image attachment links * Update: Options management overhaul * Update: Additional WordPress 3.2 support (Gallery) * Update: Cache-management for enqueued files * Update: Improved UI consistency * Update: Improved compatibility for older versions of PHP * Update: Internal optimizations * Update: Improved URL handling * Fix: Improved options migration from old versions (Hutchison Migration) * Fix: XHTML Validation (Hajo Validation) = 1.5.4 = * Add: Optional Link validation * Add: Keyboard Navigation * Add: Option to enable/disable image caption * Add: `rel` attribute supported again * Add: Use `slb_off` in link's `rel` attribute to disable automatic activation for link * Fix: HTTPS compatibility (Jürgen Protocol) * Fix: Enabling SLB on Pages issue * Fix: Zmanu is_single * Fix: Image order is sometimes incorrect * Optimize: Filter double clicks * Optimize: Separate options to enable/disable SLB on Posts and Pages * Optimize: Better grouping support = 1.5.3 = * Fix: Caption may not display under certain circumstances (Caption Erin) * Fix: Images not grouped when "separate by post" option is activated (Logical Ross) * Update: Lightbox will not be activated for links that already have `rel` attribute set = 1.5.2 = * Fix: Slideshow loops out of control (Mirage of Wallentin) * Fix: Lightbox fails when group by posts disabled (Lange Find) * Add: Option to use the image's URI as caption when link title not set (Under UI options) = 1.5.1 = * Add: WP Gallery support * Fix: Navigation hidden when only one image * Fix: Use user-defined UI text = 1.5 = * Add: Theme support * Optimize: JavaScript cleanup and file size reductions * Optimize: CSS cleanup = 1.4 = * Update: Integrated with jQuery * Optimize: JavaScript file size 9x smaller * Add: Close lightbox by clicking to left/right outside of image (an oft-requested feature) = 1.3.2 = * Add: Option to enable/disable lightbox resizing animation (thanks Maria!) = 1.3.1 = * Update: Utilities code (internal) = 1.3 = * Add: Customizable UI label text (close, next, and previous button images can be replaced in `images` directory) * Add: Group image links by Post (separate slideshow for each post) * Add: Reset settings link on plugin listings page * Optimize: Organized settings page = 1.2.1 = * Fixed: Image title given higher precedence than Image alt (more compatible w/WP workflow) = 1.2 = * Added: Option to group automatically activated links * Optimized: Lightbox caption retrieval = 1.1 = * Added: Enable/disable lightbox functionality by page type (Home, Pages/Posts, Archive, etc.) * Added: Automatically activate lightbox functionality for image links * Added: Link to settings menu on plugin listing page * Optimized: Options menu field building * Optimized: Loading of default values for plugin options * Optimized: General code optimizations = 1.0 = * Initial release